Abuse & Cruelty
Every 60 seconds an animal is abused in your neighborhood
Yes, in your neighborhood.
This means that an animal is beaten, stabbed, set on fire, mutilated, starved, physically and painfully altered for blood sports, left outside and tortured in your neighborhood every 60 seconds.
But for the poor animals that have to endure the abuse and cruelty, it's more than 60 seconds. They live a life terrorized by humans, enduring horrible pain and suffering that will eventually lead to their deaths.
For them, there is no hope unless someone intervenes. For them, there is only another tomorrow filled with the same abuse and cruelty.
Help the Humane Society of Port Jervis/Deerpark stop animal abuse and cruelty in your neighborhood.
Help us stop it altogether.
You can do your part by reporting animal abuse and cruelty. This simple action can save the lives of countless animals.
When you report animal abuse and cruelty, you not only help the animals involved out of a horrific situation, you also prevent other animals from falling victim and you help discourage other perpetrators from carrying out their henious practices.
That one phone call to the authorities or to our shelter can make a huge difference!
We understand that reporting crimes can sometimes be scary. That is why, when you call us to report a case of animal abuse or cruelty, all of your information is kept completely confidential.
Your name is never revealed to anyone and all of your communication is done directly with our shelter manager.
We want to make reporting crimes committed against animals as stress-free as possible because we know the perpetrator can be your neighbor, your boss, your co-worker, or even a loved one or relative.
On this page you will find valuable information on identifying animal abuse and cruelty, the many ways you can report these crimes and how you can make a difference.
What is Defined as Animal
Abuse & Cruelty
The New York State Humane Society has done a great job of explaining Article 26 of the New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets Laws which defines animal abuse and cruelty.
Please view the explanation by clicking HERE.
1) Provide authorities a concise,
written, factual statement of
what you observed. Provide
dates and times.
2) Whenever possible, provide
photographs of the abuse
and date your pictures.
3) Provide authorities written
statements from other
witnesses whenever possible.