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Sweet Sally

Sweet Sally's Story
On Wednesday February 24th in the middle of a terrible rain storm a man in his car saw what he thought was an object laying on the side of the road. Thankfully, he turned his car around to get a better look and he found the object was a dog. This poor girl was so emaciated she couldn't even stand up on her own.
This good samaritan quickly scooped her up and brought her to The Humane Society of Port Jervis and Deerpark where the staff began to work on her. They found that her body temperature was extremely low and her weight was only 25 pounds.
While at the veterinarians office, it was discovered that Sweet Sally, an approximately 2 year young dog was in liver and kidney failure and her condition was guarded. The decision was made to give this girl all the care and medical attention that she needs regardless of the cost.
We are happy to report that Sweet Sally seems to be improving although she still has a very long road ahead of her. The Humane Society of Port Jervis and Deerpark is looking for help from the public to defray some of the costs. The Humane Society of Port Jervis and Deerpark has been in existence since 1959 and we rely solely on donations from the public to do our good work.
We are asking for your help. We appreciate any help you can give us as we work to pay the current and future medical bills for Sweet Sally. She hasn't given up on life and we can't give up on her.

Monday, February 29th - It is with heavy hearts and great sadness that we announce Sweet Sally passed away while at the emergency veterinary hospital on Sunday, February 28th. Her kidneys were damaged beyond repair when she arrived at the Humane Society. The veterinarians said there was nothing more that could have been done for her. A necropsy will be done to provide as much information as possible as to the cause of her condition.
The Humane Society is grateful for the outpouring of encouragement and donations for Sweet Sally from our immediate community and well beyond. If money remains after all of her medical expenses are paid, we will ensure it is used to help other animals in need at our shelter.
As with any animal that has been neglected and abused, we intend to seek justice for Sally to the fullest extent of the law. Law enforcement officials still need the public’s help to identify the person(s) responsible for her suffering and ultimately her death. If you have any information, please contact the Town of Deerpark Police at 845-856-4333. Let’s find this person or persons so they can’t hurt another living creature the way they hurt Sweet Sally.
The Humane Society is posting a substantial reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible.
Read the full press release here.
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